Get to know IPF: Johanna Faucett
June 18, 2019
If you’re near the Building Services Business Office sometime after 4:30 p.m. and it sounds like a concert going on, you’re not hallucinating, it’s just administrative assistant Johanna Faucett grooving out to her favorite tunes and taking advantage of the lack of interruptions to complete some important work.
Faucett, an almost 10-year veteran of MSU, has held a few different jobs in IPF including Key Shop student aide, Maintenance Services on-call clerical aide and most recently as one of Building Services’ administrative assistants, helping keep the department running like a well-oiled machine.
“We are point people for Building Services employees (or anyone else really) that do not know what help they need, they just know they need help,” Faucett said. “My day differs from day to day; the only real consistent part is that we do a lot of problem solving, and just as much laughing!”
Some of her job duties include facilitating Performance Excellence reviews, processing special pay and step increases, financial account maintenance, Hub page management and of course, keeping department supervisors in line!
“I’m passionate about being able to contribute to the success of IPF and helping others,” Faucett said.
When asked about what she loves about her job, Faucett adds, “Other than the people, I would have to say continuous learning; I am not only supported but encouraged to expand my knowledge even in areas that do not pertain directly to my duties.”
Outside of work, Faucett enjoys attending concerts, fishing, camping and hiking with dog Darwin.
“I love the Earth and all of its creatures,” she said. “I am also a huge horror fan and lover of all things spooky!”
Faucett’s advice to her fellow IPF team members: “We work in a place with so many brilliant and talented people who are doing incredible things all over campus. Take advantage of or make opportunities to spend time with people outside of your department and go see for yourself what all IPF really does.”