Giving to Infrastructure Planning and Facilities

A bench in a construction area with a worker's belt and helmet

At IPF our mission is to plan, build, maintain and beautify the physical campus environment to support Michigan State University’s education, research and outreach missions.

No matter which fund you'd like to support, you'll be helping IPF provide MSU with best-in-class facilities and infrastructure services to help Spartans change the world.

To give to any of these funds, visit, click Give Now and type in the name of the fund, or click on the links provided below.


Infrastructure Planning and Facilities Building Fund

This general fund supports IPF work across campus including landscaping, custodial services, transportation, building services, and more.

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Physical Plant Division Endowment Fund (aka IPF Endowment Fund)

This endowment fund supports IPF employee incentive programs, training and education, and enhancing the physical facilities in IPF.

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Mary Jane and Theodore B. Simon Endowed Scholarship

This endowed scholarship is awarded annually to students who are majoring in business or engineering and have worked in a student position at IPF for at least one year.

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Campus Landscape

Campus Arboretum Fund

Gifts to this fund support the beautification and maintenance of the MSU campus landscape.

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Specific Facilities

MSU Surplus Store and Recycling Center

These gifts are used to support the MSU Surplus Store & Recycling Center where MSU waste materials are redirected from a landfill to be recycled. The Surplus Store sells MSU materials like tech, furniture, glassware, media, and more.

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Gilliland Fund (Beaumont Tower)

This endowment fund is used for the maintenance of Beaumont Tower, one of MSU's most iconic landmarks.

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MSU Bikes Services Center

Donations will support the MSU Bikes Service Centera full-service bike shop owned and operated by the university since 2006, which is dedicated to promoting bicycling as a healthy and environmentally sustainable transportation option for the MSU community as well as visitors and area residents. 

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Hidden Lake Gardens

This fund supports Hidden Lake Gardens, an arboretum and gardens designed to demonstrate to the public the beauty and other values of arboricultural and horticultural plants.

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Kellogg Bird Sanctuary Renovations

Your gift to this fund will support badly needed upgrades to the W.K. Kellogg Bird Sanctuary facilities that receive thousand of visitors every year.

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Demmer Shooting Sports and Education Center Gift Fund

This fund supports the Demmer Shooting Sports and Education Center, Lansing's premiere archery shooting sports training facility for youth and adults. 

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Campus Sculpture and Art

Sparty Project - save our Sparty!

This endowment fund supports the maintenance of Sparty, the beloved bronze statue of MSU's mascot that stands at the intersection of Kalamazoo Street, Chestnut Road, and Red Cedar Road.

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