IPF custodians help keep essential workers safe

Anthony Yuhasz
September 8, 2020
What does it feel like to be the essential workers other essential workers count on to be able to do their jobs in a safe and healthy environment?
And IPF custodians are just those folks.
They show up for work every day, facing the COVID virus head on, with an arsenal of equipment and products designed to help keep the rest of campus healthy and productive. They’ve remained on campus working hard, even when many of us have the luxury of working remotely. And those MSU faculty and staff continuing to report on site for work appreciate what they're doing.
"While our staff was incredibly busy discussing and implementing new procedures to make the building safe; [our IPF custodial partners] worked diligently to make sure proper disinfecting procedures were developed and practiced," said Susan Kleitch, Finance and Operations director, Olin Health Center. "Having them here each night gave our staff the extra reassurance that they needed to be confident that we were as protected from COVID as possible when we started our work day the following morning."
These heroes have been training on using the new misting equipment that helps keep larger areas disinfected. They’ve taken advantage of the additional time that many campus facilities are unoccupied to tackle additional detail work such as window track cleaning, entry way floor grating dismantling and cleaning, and lower-level window cleaning.
And they’ve done this all with the greatest of attitudes and a continued enthusiasm for their work.
But what keeps them coming back time and time again, is the genuine admiration and care they have for the customers they serve.
The MSU community can count on them doing all they can to keep their facilities clean and healthy so they can do the work that advances knowledge and transforms lives.
Together, we will.
“I truly care about my building partners, their health and well-being. The work we do makes it possible for them to do their essential work, and we just want them to have one less thing to worry about.”
– Michelle Goad, IPF
“I feel that the work that we do every day helps to assure our customers that they are working in a safe and healthy environment. My colleagues and I work very hard to make that possible daily. For example, we have tripled our efforts to wipe down every touch point even when the customer is present and that in itself brings a small sense of security to know that every work station, bathroom and entryway is sanitized and safe to use.”
– Phillip Morrell, T.B. Simon Power Plant
“I care about everyone in my building and feel what I do makes their jobs a little easier with less stress about their safety while completing their essential duties. The university is one team and everyone doing their part makes it run as smoothly as possible.”
– Jeana Gonser, Police and Public Safety