IPF’s Minda Gorsline moves through ranks in Custodial Services

Minda Gorsline poses for a photo.

March 23, 2018

Custodial Supervisor Minda Gorsline was recently promoted to Custodial Supervisor from her previous position, Operations Supervisor II. Gorsline has worked for IPF for about five years.

“Before working for Michigan State, I had always dreamed of working here,” Gorsline said. “I love it.”

Gorsline started as Custodian I then moved to Custodian II. She was promoted to Building Head for just under a year, and then to Operational Supervisor I. She spent a year in that position before being promoted to Operational Supervisor II.

“One thing I like about MSU is the number of possibilities and opportunities for movement,” Gorsline said. “I could also go to different departments but I really like Custodial Services.”

In her current position, Gorsline oversees all third shift custodians. There are 12 buildings included in her responsibilities, as well as an operational supervisor and floor crew.

“I would advise people to take advantage of the educational assistance that MSU provides,” Gorsline said. “I’ve taken a lot of different courses over the years for experience and I definitely believe it’s helped me.”

Along with taking the ElevateU classes, she also mentioned the benefits of talking to employees that have a history at IPF because this has helped her gain even more.