Kelly Feister and Danielle Hook represent IPF at Australian Promapp conference

August 27, 2018
Representing IPF on a global level – a half a world away – turned out to be a professional development opportunity that will benefit IPF for years to come.
IPF recently sent Kelly Feister, business office manager for Building Services, and Danielle Hook, learning and development specialist for Strategic Initiatives, to Promapp conferences in Australia.
Promapp is an application program that IPF uses to create, improve and share processes and procedures. Promapp creates a centralized repository for employees and teams to manage business processes and engage in the collection of feedback and continuous improvement.
The Promapp CONNECT conferences, held in Melbourne and Sydney, provided Feister and Hook the opportunity to network with Promapp developers and users from around the world.
“It was so refreshing to meet with other individuals from companies across the globe and know they are in a very similar situation to us here at IPF,” Hook said.
Feister and Hook presented at both conferences about process improvement, leadership, engagement and culture change. They spoke about how IPF is working through the training process towards process improvement.
“There are a lot of different ways to implement a process improvement system,” Feister added. “We need to develop a program to meet our people where they are and create a program that is sustainable for IPF.”
In addition to the Promapp CONNECT conferences, Feister and Hook presented at the Network for Change and Continuous Innovation’s annual conference in California where they made valuable connections and learned from leaders in higher education.
They returned to MSU with new leadership skills and advanced knowledge about Promapp and continuous improvement.
“We have already begun applying what we learned to help IPF grow and develop its use of the Promapp software,” Hook said. “We’re very excited to lead this effort for IPF.”