Preserving our heritage: Cook Hall renovations

March 23, 2018
On the northeast side of campus sits Cook Hall, one of the six buildings known as ‘Laboratory Row.’ As part of a restoration plan to the area, renovations are underway at Cook Hall to help improve the quality and functionality of the office and support space. Work has already been completed at Eustace-Cole, Marshall-Adams and Chittenden Halls.
The six buildings are on the State Register of Historical Sites and were constructed between 1888 and 1909. It’s important that the overall project focuses on not only improving the quality and functionality of the buildings but also preserving MSU’s heritage.
“The Cook Hall project is consistent with a comprehensive historical plan for the ‘Lab Row’. It will upgrade quality, accessibility, and functions of the building while preserving the historical character,” said project manager Amr Abdel-Azim. "The universal design of the renovation and new addition will allow for all users to access and have modern use of this building”.
The renovations to Cook Hall, which will conclude in December 2018, include accessibility improvements to restrooms, installation of an elevator, internal alterations of offices and support spaces. Lighting, technological and heating, ventilation and air conditioning upgrades are parts of the renovations.