Remember to share the road with cyclists on campus

A row of bikes lined up outside the MSU Bikes shop

August 27, 2024

With students back on campus this week, driving safely around bicyclists is more important than ever. We've gathered together some tips and information from the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning's Guide to Michigan Bicyclist Laws to remember when driving on campus.

Bicyclists have the same rights on the road as motorists. Bicyclists must also obey the laws and rules of the road the same as motorists.
Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning

Tips for drivers

When driving on MSU's campus, remember that:

  • Michigan law requires at least three feet of space when passing a bicyclist, measured from the vehicle's side mirror.
  • Drivers may safely pass a bicyclist in a no-passing zone.
  • Travel at a speed that will allow for a safe stopping distance when following a bicyclist.
  • When turning at a red light, always double-check for bicyclists who have the right-of-way at the crosswalk. They can approach quickly (up to 15 or 20 miles per hour) and can be hard to spot.
  • Look before you leave: be careful not to “door” cyclists and check your sideview mirror before exiting your vehicle.

Don't look at your phone while operating a vehicle, it's against Michigan law!

A car or truck can weigh two tons or more, while a bicycle weighs about 20 pounds, so it's important to drive carefully and share the road. Cycling Savvy has a great video for bicyclists to stay safe while they share the road with large vehicles.

Tips for bicyclists

Always ride with the flow of traffic

Always ride with the flow of traffic.

Be mindful at crosswalks

Walk your bicycle across crosswalks.

wear a helmet and use lights

Be safe: wear a helmet and use lights when you ride!