Research Building in Detroit

Overview of Scope
The proposed building will provide physical space to support the joint Health Sciences research initiative of MSU and Henry Ford Health (HFH) in Detroit as part of the broader Future of Health: Detroit project. Research areas of focus will include (but aren't limited to) cancer, neuroscience, immunology and infectious diseases, with a particular interest in health inequities and disparities and social determinants of health. The HFH+MSU Research Building is expected to be eight stories and approximately 335,000 GSF.
This project is anticipated to include wet bench laboratories and central support facilities including core labs, vivarium, and common meeting areas. MSU and HFH will collaborate on the planning and design. The project is located on the HFH campus in Detroit.
The university's strategic partnership with HFH is a key component to expanding research, along with expanding MSU’s footprint in Detroit, and creating the cornerstone for a National Cancer Institute designated cancer center. In February 2021, MSU executed the Master Affiliation Agreement with Henry Ford Health. The agreement calls for a research building to be constructed at Detroit campus.
The research building is part of $2.5 billion community development project in Detroit’s New Center neighborhood, which is shown in the image above. The research building is shown with a red arrow.
- Construction
- $335M
- Site mobilization began May 2024
- Completion: expected March 2027
Capital project number
- CP22017