K-12 Outreach
At MSU Infrastructure Planning and Facilities, (IPF), we want to engage students in middle and high school to explore potential career paths, learn about the world of facilities and maintenance services, and spark their interest in working in a skilled trade or other maintenance job. IPF staff work in occupations such as arborist, gardener, mechanic of various types, carpenter, electrician, locksmith, painter, plumber, welder, and much more!
Presentations Offered
IPF offers various presentations on skilled trades or other occupations for middle-school, high-school, or county RESA or similar career classes. These presentations by an IPF staff member give students a glimpse into what the day-to-day work in occupations within IPF can hold and the opportunities they provide.
If you are a teacher or counselor interested in a presentation on skilled trades or another area within IPF for your class, please submit a presentation request form.
Exhibit at Local K-12 Career Events
If your school or district is hosting a career exploration event, feel free to contact us at ipf.communications@msu.edu with the details.