Innovative building delivery method saves business college $800,000

Fred Woohams
October 7, 2019
MSU IPF and its Edward J. Minskoff Pavilion construction partners used an innovative project planning and delivery method that not only helped the building open on schedule but also come in under budget.
Called Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), the novel production method creates a team of stakeholders at the beginning of project planning to align partnerships, optimize project results, reduce waste, maximize efficiency and increase owner satisfaction. IPD uses partnerships among the project members for a collaborative process instead of more traditional approaches that sometimes create an adversarial relationship between the building owner and contractors.
One key part of IPD is that MSU set its requirements upfront, such as an open floor plan, glass walls with views of the river, and team and interview rooms, and allowed the contractors to provide solutions.
“IPD promoted collaboration among project owners, construction firms, contractors and trades,” said Tony Rhodes, IPF Planning, Design and Construction project manager. “Effective methods of communication between partners is established at the start of planning, and all players are operating with the same end goal in mind, aligning all interests.”
He added, “It was with the vision of Dean Sanjay Gupta and Professor John Wagner of the Broad College of Business, and the talents of partners like design firms Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. and LMN Architects, Clark Construction and local trades firms that this project was able to come in ahead of schedule and under budget, returning $800,000 back to the college.”
Skilled-trade partners involved included John E. Green, Dee Cramer, Superior Electric, Douglas Steel, BCI, and Glazing Solutions.