Clinical Center – Clinic

Clinical Center – Clinic

Elevator shutdown

What is being done?

Shutdown of Elevator A

Why is this being done?

To replace Elevator cab, controls and motor.

  • Future work will include replacement of Elevators B and C, which will be separate notifications.
  • Elevator D has been completed and will reopen Feb. 11.
How will this impact building occupants?

Occupants are asked to use the elevator B, C or D. Every effort will be taken to reduce noise throughout the building during construction.

UPDATE: Elevator D will be inspected Tuesday, Feb. 18 and will open around 9 a.m. After opening, Elevator A will be taken offline for replacement.

Who can I contact for more information?

Brandon Charland, project manager, at (517) 884-6099 or, or IPF at (517) 353-1760.