Northwest Campus

Northwest Campus

Construction notice

What is being done?

A major construction project by the City of East Lansing to improve underground sewer infrastructure.

Why is this being done?

Increasing capacity in the sewage collection system; separation of storm and sanitary sewers to reduce treated, combined sewer overflows into the Red Cedar River from the City’s Retention Treatment Basin; upgrades of aging infrastructure to create a more efficient and reliable sewer system.

How will this impact building occupants?

The project will be constructed in phases and will include underground construction at various sites along Michigan Ave, Harrison Rd, Kalamazoo St, and west of the Brody Neighborhood. Traffic restrictions required to complete work in these areas will affect the campus community. The city of East Lansing has set up a project website to relay traffic restriction locations, dates and general project information. See project overview map included below.

City of East Lansing Infrastructure Restructure Website

Who can I contact for more information?

Nicole McPherson

Engineering Administrator

City of East Lansing Department of Public Works

(517) 337-9459


Marc Trotter

MSU-IPF Project Representitive

(517) 353-3073