Red Cedar River

Red Cedar River

Construction notice

What is being done?

Closure of the river walk and bike path from Beal St. for riverbank stabilization. The scope of the project is to restore the south side of Red Cedar River stream bank by Beal Bridge. 

Why is this being done?

This project helps to stabilize the riverbank. The natural process of erosion slowly impacts riverbanks. Loss of riverbank soils causes tree roots exposure and potential safety hazard and negative impacts on the aquatic habitat.

How will this impact building occupants?

There will be pedestrian and bicycle detours around the work site during this construction. Informational construction sign will be placed by the construction entrance.

Who can I contact for more information?

John Jonckheere, Landscape Services construction coordinator at (517) 648-2958 or or Yun Cao, landscape architect, at (517) 930-7249 or