Contact List


The Project Planning Contact List is a resource for communicating with various individuals on and off campus involved in a capital project.

Campus Infrastructure Planning Work Group

In compliance with the Campus Master Plan, reviews projects that modify the campus landscape character, affect campus infrastructure or require a zoning variance prior to Board of Trustee actions.

Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)

Reviews projects involving hazardous-materials compliance, laboratory equipment, ventilation systems, and environmental waste management.

IT Services

This department reviews projects involving teaching and learning facilities (audio/visual) and infrastructure (networking, Wi-Fi).

MSU Police

This department reviews projects affecting fire/life safety, parking, roads, traffic design and building security systems.

Student Life and Engagement (SLE)

Various departments in SLE may provide input and review, including the planning and projects office, the space coordination and review committee, information services (IT), and culinary services.

Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD)

Reviews projects affecting accessibility to maximize the ability and opportunity for full participation by persons with disabilities.

University Physician’s Office (UPO)

Reviews projects involving food service and swimming pool facilities.