Donate to Hidden Lake Gardens
Financial contributions help Hidden Lake Gardens in many ways. Donors give to specific projects and needs. They also give to improve an area of the Gardens that interests them. Some donors wish to have their contributions used to purchase and showcase certain plant materials.
These contributions come in many forms. They may be cash, appreciated stocks, or gift annuities. Many donors are interested in making a tax-deductible contribution to Hidden Lake Gardens. Please contact Hidden Lake Gardens at 517-431-2060.
You can also give a contribution online at Online Giving (
Memorial and Tribute Gifts
Hidden Lake Gardens welcomes donations made in honor or memory of a loved one or to pay tribute to a special occasion. Your donation makes a lasting personal tribute and supports the ongoing operations of the gardens, arboretum, and conservatory.
For more information regarding the Memorial Tribute Gifts program, contact us.
Commemorative Brick
A $250 donation provides a 4" x 8" engraved brick paver that is placed in the Gazebo Walk of the Demonstration Garden. Engraving permits space for three lines of text with 18 characters per line. Complete the Commemorative Brick Brochure form (pdf) or call 517-431-2060 to donate and order.