Campus Wide Fire Pump Testing
Campus Wide Fire Pump Testing
Fire alarm testing
Auditorium, Anthony Hall, Business College, Breslin Center, Bio Medical Physical Sciences, Bio Engineering, Chemistry, Cyclotron, Communication Arts, College of Law, DCPAH, Engineering, FRIB, Food Safety and Toxicology, Human Ecology, ISTB, Jenison Field House, Kedzie Hall, Life Sciences, Molecular Plant Science, Plant and Soil Science, Power Plant, Plant Biology, Surplus and Recycling Center, Spartan Stadium, STEM, Vet Med A&D, Vet Med G, Wharton Center, Wells Hall
Specific building dates can be found here:
Fire pump testing and certification across campus.
Occupants may notice some discoloration of the water supply. This discoloration is harmless in terms of sanitation and safety.
Special Precaution: The water discoloration may discolor clothing if used for laundry.
Derek Cuthbert, Skilled Trades Supervisor, at (517) 897-6443 or, or ContactIPF at (517) 353-1760.