East Lansing Campus Building Hours
The times buildings are open to the public or accessible to people with a Spartan ID card are set by the MSU Department of Police and Public Safety (DPPS). To request a building hours change, please submit this form. Events in MSU buildings may occur outside of standard hours.
If you notice a door that is damaged or ajar after business hours please contact DPPS at (517) 355-2222.
Event Planners:
- If you are planning an event that will occur outside of the building hours, you must submit an IPF campus events request.
- If your student group is trying to schedule an event, please contact the Office of Student Experience team and request to use a classroom.
Dining Options: Find open dining halls and campus meal locations by visiting https://eatatstate.msu.edu/dining-hall-hours.
Building | Days | Hours (18:00 = 6 p.m.) |
Administration Building | Monday-Friday | 06:45-18:00 |
Agriculture Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Alliance Building | Monday-Friday | 07:55-16:55 |
Anthony Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Auditorium | Monday-Friday | 08:00-18:00 |
Baker Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:30-18:00 |
Berkey Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Bessey Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Bio Engineering Facility | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Biochemistry Building | Monday-Friday | 07:30-18:00 |
Biomedical and Physical Sciences | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Business College | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Chemistry Building | Monday-Thursday Friday | 07:00-18:00 07:00-17:30 |
Chittenden Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:00-17:30 |
Center for Integrated Plant Systems (CIPS) | Monday-Friday | 07:00-17:30 |
Clinical Center | Monday-Friday | 05:30-19:00 |
Communication Arts and Sciences | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Computer Center | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Conrad Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:30-18:00 |
Cook Hall | Monday-Friday | Locked |
Demonstration Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Engineering Building | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Erickson Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Eustace-Cole Hall | Monday-Thursday Friday | 08:00-18:00 08:00-17:00 |
Farrall Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Fee Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Food Science & Human Nutrition Building | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Food Safety and Toxicology | Monday-Friday | 07:00-17:30 |
Geography Building | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Giltner Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Human Ecology Building | Monday-Friday | 07:00-17:30 |
IM Circle | Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday-Sunday | 07:00-22:00 06:30-22:00 07:00-22:00 06:30-22:00 07:00-20:00 12:00-17:00 |
Instructional Media Center | Monday-Friday | 08:00-18:00 |
International Center | Monday-Friday Saturday-Sunday | 07:00-22:00 07:30-20:00 |
Infrastructure Planning and Facilities | Monday-Friday | 06:00-18:00 |
Interdisciplinary Science and Technology | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Jenison Fieldhouse | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Kedzie Hall (north and south) | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Kresge Annex | Monday-Friday | 07:45-18:00 |
Kresge Art Center | Monday-Friday | 07:30-18:00 |
Law College | Monday-Friday Saturday-Sunday | 07:00-19:00 08:00-18:00 |
Life Science Building | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Bott Building for Nursing Education & Research | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Linen Services | Monday-Friday | 07:00-16:30 |
Linton Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:20-17:15 |
Manly Miles Building | Monday-Friday | 07:30-17:00 |
Marshall-Adams Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Multicultural Center | Monday-Friday with student ID Saturday-Sunday with student ID | 07:00-18:00 18:00-23:00 10:00-18:00 |
Music Building | Monday-Friday Saturday-Sunday | 07:00-21:00 11:00-21:00 |
Music Practice | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Natural Resources Building | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Natural Science Building | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
1407 S. Harrison (formerly Nisbet) | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Old Botany | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Old Horticulture | Monday-Thursday Friday | 07:00-18:00 07:00-17:30 |
Olds Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Packaging | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Plant Biology Laboratories | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Plant and Soil Sciences Building | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Psychology | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Radiology | Monday-Friday | 06:30-18:30 |
Engineering Research Complex | Monday-Friday | 07:30-17:00 |
Spartan Stadium Office Tower | Monday-Friday | 06:00-18:00 |
STEM Teaching and Learning Facility | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Student Services | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Urban Planning & Landscape Architecture | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory | Monday-Friday | 07:30-17:00 |
Wells Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:00-18:00 |
- Abrams Planetarium
- Beaumont Tower
- Breslin Center
- MSU Bug House
- Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB)
- Demmer Archery Center
- 4-H Gardens
- Broad Art Museum
- MSU Dairy Store
- MSU Farms
- MSU Library
- MSU Museum
- Munn Ice Arena
- Wharton Center
- Union
Residence Halls
Times listed below are for public areas of residence halls. Living areas in residence halls are restricted 24/7. Hours may be impacted during holiday weeks.
Dining Options: Find open dining halls and campus meal locations by visiting https://eatatstate.msu.edu/dining-hall-hours.
Summer Hours
McDonel Hall: All Week 09:00-16:00
Owen Hall: All Week 09:00-16:00
Shaw Hall: All Week 07:00-20:00
Brody Hall: All Week 07:00-19:00
University Village Community Center: Monday - Friday 07:30-18:00
1855 Place Office: Monday - Friday 07:30-17:00, Saturday 11:00-16:00, Sunday Restricted
All other residence halls are locked for the summer.
Fall and Spring Semester Hours
Building | Days | Hours |
1855 Family Apartments | Restricted | |
1855 Place Apartments | Restricted | |
1855 Place Office | Monday-Friday Saturday-Sunday | 07:30-19:00 09:00-19:00 |
Akers Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:30-18:00 |
Armstrong Hall | Restricted | |
Bailey Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:30-17:00 |
Brody Hall | All week | 07:30-21:00 |
Bryan Hall | Restricted | |
Butterfield Hall | Restricted | |
Campbell Hall | Restricted | |
Case Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:30-18:00 |
Emmons Hall | Restricted | |
Holden Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:30-18:00 |
Holmes Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:30-18:00 |
Hubbard Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:30-18:00 |
Landon Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:30-18:00 |
Mason / Abbot Hall | Restricted | |
Mayo Hall | Restricted | |
McDonel Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:30-18:00 |
Owen Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:30-18:00 |
Rather Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:30-17:00 |
Shaw Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:30-18:00 |
Snyder / Phillips Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:30-18:00 |
University Village | Restricted | |
University Village Community Center | Monday-Friday | 07:30-18:00 |
Van Hoosen Hall | Restricted | |
Williams Hall | Restricted | |
Wilson Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:30-18:00 |
Wonders Hall | Monday-Friday | 07:30-18:00 |
Yakeley / Gilchrist Hall | Restricted |