The Focus - May 2020

IPF Communications
May 22, 2020

Welcome to our first anniversary issue!
We hope you like the updated name and look of the newsletter, and as always, we welcome feedback on how we can improve communications with you, our Spartan partners.

Board of Trustees upcoming agendas (tentative, subject to change)
June agenda
- Nothing scheduled at this time for either Step 2 (Authorization to Proceed) or Step 3 (Bid/Contract Award).

Farm Lane / Student Services construction notice
Where: Farm Lane (southbound lane) east of Student Services.
When: Monday, May 11 through Friday, June 5.
What is being done: Removing faculty and metered parking spots on the east side of Student Services.
Why this is being done: To provide visitor parking for the new Center for Survivors office.
How this will campus customers: The southbound lane of Farm Lane adjacent to the work area will experience intermittent closures, with a flag person on site to direct traffic. The parking spaces on the east side of Student Services as well as the adjacent sidewalk will be inaccessible during construction, and will only be available to visitors once work is complete. From May 15 through June 2, both north and southbound lanes will be closed - follow posted detour.
Who to contact for more information: Tony Rhodes, project manager, at 517-490-7394 or, or IPF at 517-353-1760.
For a complete listing of scheduled IPF maintenance and construction alerts, visit the IPF Notices web page.
Service Road construction notice
Where: Service Road (between Linen Services and Parking Lot 83).
When: Monday, June 1 through Friday, August 28.
What is being done: Closure of Service Road to through traffic in front of T.B. Simon Power Plant and commencement of work on the project: Electrical Duct Bank Expansion and Cast Iron Water Main Replacement Along Service Road. The scope of the project will include: removal/replacement of concrete and bituminous pavement, earthwork, relocation of sanitary sewer, pavement markings, water main, duct bank, electrical vault, miscellaneous mechanical work, landscaping, and related work.
Why this is being done: To replace cast iron water main and install new electrical duct bank and vaults.
How this will campus customers: Service Road will be closed to through traffic during the project time frame mentioned above. At this time, there are no pedestrian detours planned around the work site. There will be intermittent construction noise in the vicinity of the project site.
Who to contact for more information: Andrew Linebaugh, project manager, at (517) 432-7103 or, or IPF at (517) 353-1760.
For a complete listing of scheduled IPF maintenance and construction alerts, visit the IPF Notices web page.

Let the taps run to clear water
If you've noticed water quality issues from taps that have had limited use as a result of the campus' response to the COVID-19 outbreak, let them run for a few minutes before use until the water clears.
Water that has sat still in pipes for a length of time can become discolored but generally still is safe to drink.
For more information about MSU water quality see the 2019 Water Quality Report. For more information about the soon-to-be-commissioned Water Filtration Plant and Water Tower visit the project's webpage.
Feel the need to clean?
IPF Custodial Services is making cleaning solution and spray bottles available to building occupants to help keep their workspaces free from COVID-19.
To request cleaning solution for your workspace, please email
May is National Bike Month
Feeling a little cooped up lately? Has your winter body transformed into quarantine body?
Bicycling is a great tonic for cabin fever and is a great way to get some fresh air and improve your physical and mental health at the same time. Spring is all around us, why not get out and experience some of it firsthand? Read more
You can go one step further and join Team MSU in the National Bike Challenge sponsored by Love to Ride USA. Create your own team for your department under MSU and recruit your fellow cyclists to join in. It's a great way to join your fellow Spartan bicyclists for some virtual camaraderie and get some great exercise to boot! More information and to join
Buy direct and support MSU Bikes!
Thinking of buying a new or previously used bike to keep in shape during the upcoming summer months?
Look no further than the MSU Bikes Service Center. They offer a wide variety of new and used bicycles that you can order online and pick up at the campus shop. Visit their online store
Or are you looking for something to repair or jazz up your bike?
You can now order through MSU Bikes and have items delivered directly to your door.
We are committed to helping our area bicyclists keep riding. With that mind, MSU Bikes can have items drop-shipped directly to you from some of our most trusted vendors, oftentimes for better prices than you can get elsewhere online. Read more on MSU Bikes blog
How to contact IPF
We ask our campus partners to remember that there are two main methods of communication to use when contacting IPF for service.
For sudden/urgent needs that may affect people's safety or the integrity of facilities, such as breaks, leaks, icy spots, etc., please call Contact IPF at 517-353-1760.
For work estimate requests, improvements or renovations, new space requests, etc. please submit an online service request on the IPF website.
By using the correct contact method, you can help ensure a prompt and accurate response to your needs.
Earth Day 2020
April 22, 2020, marked the golden anniversary of Earth Day, and for Frank Telewski, professor and director of the W.J. Beal Botanical Garden and campus arboretum, the day held special significance.
“It’s hard to believe it was 50 years ago when I planted a tree in my high school courtyard to celebrate the first Earth Day,” Telewski said. Read more
Going mobile - persevering during a pandemic
What began as way to improve the IPF experience for our customers – deploying mobile device technology to our front-line staff to enable them to access essential information and tools on-site to improve efficiency, has demonstrated additional value during the recent novel coronavirus outbreak. Read more

We welcome any comments, questions or suggestions on how we can improve communications with you, our campus partners.
Please forward your comments to the IPF Communications department at
Thank you!