The Focus - September 2020

IPF Communications
September 14, 2020

In this issue...
- Board of Trustees upcoming agendas
- Water distribution - campus water system improvements
- T.B. Simon Power Plant - R.I.C.E. - construct original building
- Strategic academic development - STEM teaching, learning and interdisciplinary research facilities
- Duffy Daugherty - S.A.A.C. - alterations to Skandalaris Football Offices and Hall of History
- Working to keep campus indoor air safe
- Surplus Store and Recycling Center Town Hall - Brokering Our Commodities
- Transplanted IPF landscape architect creates tail wagging design
- IPF custodians help keep essential workers safe
- IPF photo roundup
- IPF on social media

Board of Trustees upcoming agendas (tentative, subject to change)
October agenda
- Veterinary Medical Center - replace HVAC-1 and HVAC-21 (CP16192). (Under $5M project)
December agenda
- T.B. Simon Power Plant - install medium-pressure steam boiler (CP17198).

Water distribution - campus water system improvements (CP16086)
- Project milestones:
- On Wednesday, Aug. 26, the new Water Treatment Plant and storage tower began supplying treated water to much of main campus.
- The existing Reservoir is in the process of being isolated from the distribution system and will be decommissioned.
- The electric pumps that previously pressurized and distributed water throughout the system have been shut down. The storage tower now provides adequate pressure for distribution through gravity feed.
- Flushing of the water distribution system is ongoing, to expedite the removal of accumulated sediment.
- Corrosion-control studies are in process, allowing for fine tuning of treatment plant operations.
- Shop space in the old Reservoir will be used to house the IPF Plumbing Shop, which has outgrown its space in the IPF building.

For comments, questions or concerns, contact Water Works supervisor, Tom Sislby, at (517) 884-7110 or
T.B. Simon Power Plant - R.I.C.E. - construct original building (CP17197)
- Project milestones:
- Project is approximately 80% complete, on budget and on time for late December completion.
- Electrical equipment that serves and supports the new R.I.C.E. facility has been fully connected and is receiving power from the power plant.
- Fire alarm testing is complete.
- Pressure testing and insulating of cooling water piping is complete.
- Insulated exhaust duct for all three engines has been installed.
- Installed motors in intake fans on north side of engine hall.
- Power Plant staff are in process of training on facility and equipment operations.
- Impact updates:
- Construction traffic continues around T.B. Simon Power Plant site.

For comments, questions or concerns, contact project manager, Chris Barnes, at (517) 355-1628 or
Strategic academic development - STEM teaching, learning and interdisciplinary research facilties (CP17133)
- Project milestones:
- Windows have been installed in both the Shaw Lane Power Plant section and new classroom addition.
- New zinc metal roof has been installed on the old power plant section.
- Artifact walls (art installation) in the old power plant section have been installed.
- Modifications to the remaining boiler have been completed for safety and are ready for 3-D scanning by the artist.
- Polished concrete floors are complete in the labs in the south addition.
- Metal lab casework and fume hood installations are ongoing.
- Southern section of the site was released for landscaping and for pedestrian access on campus.
- Tile has been installed in the south addition restrooms.
- Exterior masonry veneer is complete on north addition.
- Drywall and painting on the third floor Computer Science room and Physics space has been completed.
- The auditorium lecture-style seating concrete floor has been placed.
- In-floor electrical rough-in is complete.
- Impact updates:
- Construction traffic will continue in and around the construction site until February 2021.

For comments, questions or concerns, contact project manager, Ken Gottschalk, at (517) 353-7234 or
Duffy Daugherty - S.A.A.C. - alterations to Skandalaris Football offices and Hall of History (CP18074)
- Project milestones:
- Enclosure of west addition is complete.
- Construction of new office spaces is complete.
- Finishing and furniture installation is in progress.
- Exterior wall glass has been installed.
- Metal panels are scheduled for installation by end of month.
- Interior modular wall panels and exterior metal panels are not scheduled for installation until later in month due to COVID-related delays in procurement.
- Impact updates:
- Sidewalk running along the east side of Chestnut Rd., between Parking Lot 78 and Shaw Lane, will remain closed until completion of construction.

For comments, questions or concerns, contact project manager, Jason VanZee, at (517) 432-2675 or

Working to keep campus indoor air safe
Current research shows that the COVID-19 virus cannot be effectively transmitted via building HVAC systems.
However, out of an abundance of caution for the safety of our students, faculty and staff, IPF is in the process of evaluating the HVAC systems of over 1200 campus spaces, following CDC, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air‐Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and OSHA guidelines for ventilation and filtration.
We are installing high-efficiency filters where they are needed and are in the process of procuring UV space sterilizers for elevators. Read more
Surplus Store and Recycling Center town hall - Brokering Our Commodities
Join SSRC online on Thursday, Oct. 22 at 7 p.m., when guest Jill Brown of Metro Recycling, discusses brokering of our recycling commodities. SSRC works with Metro to sell our recyclable materials. Jill will discuss Metro's role in managing recycled materials, the importance of recycling in Michigan and the impacts of COVID-19 on recycling markets. An open Q&A session will follow. Register here

Transplanted IPF landscape architect creates a tail wagging design
Yun Cao, IPF landscape architect, was recently transferred to Landscape Services, where she has hit the ground running with a donor-approved design for a new north entrance to the Veterinary Medical Center. Read more
IPF custodians help keep essential workers safe
They show up for work every day, facing the COVID virus head on, with an arsenal of equipment and products designed to help keep the rest of campus healthy and productive. Read more

We welcome any comments, questions or suggestions on how we can improve communications with you, our campus partners.
Please forward your comments to the IPF Communications department at
Thank you!